Streaming Media


The Live Streaming API allows realtime transcription of an audio stream.
Each streaming session involves two directions: streaming of audio and receiving responses.
These two directions are decoupled, meaning that you can use one protocol to stream the audio to the API and another protocol to receive speech recognition responses from it.

Supported Protocols

Media Streaming

We support the following streaming protocols for audio streaming to our API:

  1. WebSocket
  2. RTMP
  3. SRT [coming soon!]

Receiving responses

We support receiving responses via a WebSocket connection.
The WebSocket interface is used to receive responses regardless of the method used to stream media.
In the case where the WebSocket is used streaming media, it will be the same connection which will be used bi-directionally. In other cases, the WebSocket will be used to send control messages and receive responses.

Read here for a full reference of the WebSocket Protocol.