Create an order (explained)

The following details can be specified when creating an order:

  1. Order name (name) (max length: 200)
  2. Client transaction ID (client_transaction_id) - Unique transaction id which will be assigned to an order and used for tracing. (unique, max length: 50)
  3. Order input details (input).
  • Input language. (language) - The language of the input audio/video.
  • Glossary terms. (glossary) - A list of glossary terms to be used in the order.
  • Schedule. (schedule) - The date and time the order is scheduled to start.
  • Input type (type) - The type of the media source, where the audio would come from.
    Available options:
    • Websocket
    • RTMP Push
    • Web URL - we support all sort of events that have a link URL:
      • Zoom meetings
      • MS Teams
      • Web Conference URL - this can be used for an event that happens in some external platform we don't have a native integration with. For example - Live streaming with YouTube.
    • OnSite (Verbit Connect) - Verbit's own audio recorder. You can use it to stream your audio.
    • Encoder
  • Connection plans (connection_plan)
  • Notes (notes) - Additional notes or instructions for the order.
  • External order preparation material. (external_urls) - A list of URLs to external resources that will be used to prepare for the order.
  1. Order output details (output).
    - Product type (product.type) (captions, transcription, translation, addon).
    - Product target languages (product.target_languages) - A list of target languages for the product.
    - Product tier (product.tier) (automatic, professional, elite).
    - Delivery method settings (delivery) (websocket, rtmp_push, zoom, teams, verbitext, ics, source_platform, post_session_revision).
    - Transcript discard settings (discard_transcript) (media, media_and_transcript).
  2. Settings (settings).
    - Automatic speech recognition (asr) model-specific settings (If applicable).
    - Captions placement (captions_placement).
  3. PO Number (po_number) - Purchase order number.
  4. Cost center (cost_center) - Cost center number.
  5. Contact person(s) details (contact_details).
    • First name (first_name) - First name of the contact during the event.
    • Last name (last_name) - Last name of the contact during the event.
    • Email (email) - Email address of the contact during the event.
    • Phone number (phone_number) - Phone number of the contact during the event.
    • CC email (cc_email_addresses) - A list of email addresses to be CC'd on all order-related emails.

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