Book with live translation

You can also book live translation for your order!

Create an order with this payload:

{ "name": "My RTMP order", "client_transaction_id": "{{$guid}}", // The internal id you will use for your order. Has to be unique. "input": { "language": "en-US", "glossary": [ "hero", "test" ], "schedule": { "start_at": "{{startAt}}", // start time "max_duration": 600 }, "type": "websocket" }, "output": [ { "product": { "type": "captions", "tier": "automatic", "target_languages": [ "en-US" ] } }, { "product": { "type": "translation", "tier": "automatic", "target_languages": [ "es-ES", "fr-FR" ] } } ] }

You can specify the languages you want in the target languages.

All the languages would also be outputed to Verbitext. If you want to see the transcript in a UI you can also go to<ORDER_ID/transcript> (Fill in the order id in order to get to your order)

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