Returns comprehensive information about a job including its current status, metadata, and processing details.

Response Content

  • Basic job information (ID, name, profile)
  • Current processing status
  • Certification details (if applicable)
  • Error information (if any)

Job Status Values

StatusDescriptionNext Steps
PendingJob created but not startedAdd media and other files and call POST /job/perform_transcription
In ProgressCurrently being processedContinue polling this endpoint
CompletedProcessing finished successfullyUse GET /job/get_caption to download
CanceledProcessing was canceledCreate new job if needed
FailureProcessing failedCheck errors field for details

Important Notes

  • Poll this endpoint to monitor job progress
  • Certified transcriber details include signature (valid for 12 hours)
  • For failed jobs, check the errors array for failure details
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